Monday, June 27, 2016

Back from the Dead Yet more Alive than Ever

February was the last time I posted ?!?
It's been a Hell of a past few months, since Feb...

After a lot of twists and turns and a lot of pain and gratifications...

Thankfully it hasn't all been in vain... I got into a D-School which I had Aspired for, since 2 Years...

It was ecstatic and painful, at the same time... When I learnt that I got in... The Irony !

A lot of my close-friends helped me and I'm really very grateful to them for reaching out, during these tough times... (woa, it hasn't been so worse.. I do make things worse than they actually are.. Don't I? )

Anyways, during all this time, I've been working on countless stuff...

Yet I'm a Novice and I understand that I still have a long long way to go..

I've been lost the last couple of days due to constant worrying and anxiety due to these big-changes... But the dust is now settling.. Hopefully, I can focus and resume what I love doing..

A Lot of Ideas have started popping in my head.. 

"Do this, Do that" I think and finally due to too many unrealistic ideas, I do Nothing...

So, 1 Work at a time.. The Portfolio !

I'm gonna present what I've done during the last few months... Maybe on a separate blog...

If that works, off I go to resume Graphic-Novels... Yes, I have a silly idea for some sketches..

Also, on an ending-note: Helvetica will be my new font of choice !

After all, I'm officially a Design Student now.. .Thanks to a lot of people...  :)

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