This Week:
Drew a pink daredevil, a random Dota painting, Practiced more of Ian Bates and Alphonso Dunn.

1. Read & Learn: 1 ceed post per day. (part-a)
Favorite song, this week:
WhiteSnake - Burn (Came across this on my Car).
Less of DoTA !

1. Read & Learn: 1 ceed post per day. (part-a)
2. Watch, read, learn & practice - A sketch/art related tutorial/video per day:
- Color-theory.
- Alphonso Dunn's Anatomy-lessons (watch & practice).
- Finish Ian Bates article. (Come on)
- Finish the Buzzle article on all perspective-sketches.
3. Other Resolutions:
- Cycle daily. (Come on)
- Do Proper Push-ups (lol)
Ideas for next Saturday: Do more of Instructional comics (like Alicia souza).
- What to do and not whilst cycling.
After a lot of thoughts, I've come up with a "foolproof" learning-schedule:
WhiteSnake - Burn (Came across this on my Car).
Less of DoTA !
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